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Ceramicists & Felters

Nisf Jubeil

Nisf Jubeil
Nisf Jubeil is a tiny village of a few hundred people, just north of Nablus. Recently, a few women trained in ceramics and have started a cooperative in a community center in the village. The village relies largely on olive farming to survive, so this cooperative is an important space for women to receive training and generate income.

Bint al Shams


Bint al Shams
Shatha Safi is a self-taught visual artist who draws inspiration from Palestinian history, heritage and resistance. She works in inked sketches, clay sculptures, acrylic paintings, and type design. Safi is the founder of Bint El-Shams, a conceptual art project which makes use of mixed media to render familiar cultural symbols in surprising lights. Her work has been exhibited across Palestine and is featured in FANA' Collective's "Black Journal." Safi collaborates widely with other artists, musicians, and social workers. 

Ma'an lil Hayyat

Ma'an lil Hayyat
Ma’an Lil Hayyat is a wonderful initiative for people with disabilities. Located in a historic house in the heart of the old city of Bethlehem, this project buys wool from a woman (who has put her kids through college on this income) and processes it by hand into felt. Members of this initiative come to socialize and work in a supportive and fun environment, creating beautiful pieces from wool they make.