Black Friday Gift Deals...Make It Count!
Prepare for Black Friday Shopping Handmade Palestine Way!
It's Black Friday tomorrow and there are deals everywhere you look. Don't let your buying power be wasted! You can find meaningful gifts at great prices and you don't even have to look far. We've created a collection called Black Friday - Cyber Monday Sales with every, single item at 50% off!
With every purchase from Handmade Palestine, you get to enjoy a beautiful handicraft from a Palestinian artisan while knowing that you are directly contributing to her income generation. That's no small feat. In Palestine, communities live under terrible economic pressure from the Israeli occupation and unemployment rates are outrageous. Most of the cooperatives Handmade Palestine supports are women's cooperatives, which means these women are bread winners in their households.
What's on sale and how does your purchase impact women?
Let's start with the keffiyehs from Hebron
At the only factory in Palestine to make keffiyehs, the Herbawi Factory in Hebron, there are up to five women employed per day in sewing. They hem, add tassels and tags, and package the keffiyehs. These women are the main contributor to their family income.
Tatreez in the SALE
Also on sale are embroidered coin purses. Tatreez, traditional cross stitch, was once a skill most women learned as children.
Today it serves many women well as a skill that allows them to generate income, often as the sole provider in the home. Many women have formed cooperatives, like the Bethlehem Women's Cooperative we support. These women work from home and take shifts in a shop they share, selling their work which range from bookmarks to traditional dresses.
And how about those felt nativities on sale?
It's pretty amazing how many people's lives are touched through the many programs, cooperatives,
and businesses making fair trade handicrafts sold at Handmade Palestine! This holiday season, do more good. Give a gift that someone will love, a gift that is extra special, a gift that has put bread on someone's table in Palestine! Well those are made by a great project in Bethlehem that provides social activities and income generation opportunities for people with disabilities. The majority of participants are women and also the felt itself is made from natural wool that a woman shepherdess sells to support her own family.