Crowdfunding Campaign

Palestine Online Bazaar

From Palestine to You, Wherever You Are

You can't come to the artisans, so we are bringing the artisans to you.

bringing us closer

Why the online bazaar?

In the past 2 years having an online shop saved our project so we could support Palestinian artisans. If we'd only marketed their handicrafts at our display in Ramallah, Handmade Palestine would have collapsed. Your online support has given us hope & encouragement to help more artisans.

We have curated an online bazaar for you to meet our artisans, learn where they're from, and support their work. Your donation and purchases will greatly help our artisans get back on their feet after the devastating 2 years of COVID-19.

Click here to donate to our campaign

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capital of crafts


from the world craft city

Jelld Leather

Jelld social enterprise from Hebron is an incredible initiative committed to creating handmade leather accessories in Palestine. Our favorite thing about Jelld (besides their unique products!) is that they support the community by creating work opportunities for women and people with disabilities, who wouldn't otherwise secure income generation projects.

View Jelld's Collection

supporting women artisans

women in hebron

Established as part of the cooperative association’s efforts to provide women in Hebron district the resources to provide for themselves and their families through the production and sales of Palestinian handicraft items. The one hundred and fifty women who produce the items that are sold come from across Hebron district from eight cities and villages. The proceeds from sales provide themselves and their families with additional income that could not otherwise be obtained through part-time employment.

Support Artisans

artisans from ma'an

Ma'an lilhayat has given me the space to learn, play and grow, in a safe, supportive environment. It's my second home.

- Abood

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featured project

palestine writing workshop

The Palestine Writing Workshop is an amazing initiative that was founded in 2009 to host writers in residence and support creative writing in Palestine. Today, they focus on children's story telling, creative writing and publish wonderful books for kids.

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