How You Can be an Ally to Palestine

In response to the unimaginable violence against Palestinians, your allyship with Palestine has become a matter of life and death. Palestine is in dire need of aid and support to stop the massacre of their people, and you have the power to help.

When we talk about allyship with Palestine, what does that really mean? What exactly does it mean to “stand in solidarity” or “show your support”? It’s about protecting, upholding, and fighting for the humanity, sanctity, history, rights, and importance of Palestine - but this is not surface level work. We are fighting against decades of oppression, of dangerous narratives and biases, and a violent settler state determined to wipe Palestine off the map. What we are witnessing, and have been witnessing for a long time, is genocide. So your dedicated allyship to Palestine is truly a matter of life and death for Palestinians.

There are a number of things you can do to call out this violence and help Palestinians. We need you to commit to these actions.


Contact Your Representatives

Call on your government to condemn the violence toward Palestinians and demand the end of the siege on Gaza. Demand the halt of weapons sales and military aid to the Israeli state. These are your tax dollars at work. Thousands of Palestinians have died since the bombardments on Palestine, and this massacre must stop. 



Attend local protests and be present with your support for Palestine. Tell your friends and family to join you, and show up in numbers. You can find lists of your local protests on social media pages like USCPR, the Palestine Solidarity Campaign, and the Palestinian Youth Movement. Wear your keffiyeh, show your solidarity, and be safe. 


Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is

Donate to organizations and mutual aid funds that are helping Palestinians. Atfaluna Society for Deaf Children is putting together a fund for emergency aid for their community. Their building in Gaza has been destroyed and much of their staff are sheltering in schools. This fund goes to making hygiene kits, providing food and water, and other basic needs. You can donate through Handmade Palestine or through Global Giving. Support the Middle East Children’s Association and many many other organizations that are helping Palestinians on the ground.



Boycott Israeli and international companies that profit from settler violence. Your money is powerful, so be smart about what you do with it. Many of these Israeli and international companies are complicit in the violence Palestine endures at the hands of the Israeli state. And you can send a message just by withholding your purchases. Here is a guide on how and what to boycott.


Be Bold With Your Words

Talk to your friends, family, everyone about Palestine. Have hard conversations. Talk about the urgency of Palestine’s situation, how they are being bombarded, and how you can help. Talk about the humanity of Palestine. Right now, there are many harmful narratives being spread about Palestinians. Refute these dangerous words. Talk about the beauty of Palestine, of its people, and the urgency of demanding their rights. 


Amplify Palestinian Voices

Listen to the words of Palestinians. Read, watch, and share their content. Listen to the stories coming out of Palestine - and amplify them. Use your position to spread their words, videos, and images to your communities. Don’t look away from what’s happening - and don’t leave Palestinians to suffer alone in silence. Share their stories and experiences. Don’t let the world forget, be complacent in, or normalize the suffering of Palestinians.


Learn, Learn, Learn

It’s vital that you truly understand the history of Palestine when you speak about it. Get your information from only reputable sources - from reliable journalists, academics, and historians. To start, Rashid Khalid’s book The Hundred Years’ War on Palestine is an incredible source of history on Palestine. Decolonize Palestine has a comprehensive reading list about Palestine that covers topics from politics to culture to activism. It’s also incredibly important to get news on current events from reputable, reliable sources. Follow Al Jazeera, the Middle East Eye, and the IMEU. Pay attention to the sources that are actually covering the Palestinian experience.


We are depending on you to be dedicated to your support for Palestine. This is a defining time, and it’s important for you to be on the right side of history. When you look back on this time, you’ll have to tell your loved ones what you did as Palestinians faced genocide. Make sure you can tell them you stood by their side, amplified their voices, shouted their stories and histories, and demanded their freedom. 

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