July 02, 2020
Palestinian Wild Food Plants

About the book
A guide to Palestinian Wild Food Plants created by a volunteer community-based research collective.
"Wild food plants or wild edible plants have always been an important part of the human diet. They have provided the backbone of human survival for millennia before agricultural cultivation. They have continued to be important even with the advent of agricultural cultivation, when people began to train wild plants to produce food on a human schedule rather than a schedule bound to the micro-climates of their locale. Wild food plants grow without help from humans. Some are annuals, emerging in spring and summer to produce edible leaves, stems, flowers, and then going to seed in order to grow again the next season. Some are perennials, and give useful leaves and fruits without the need to reemerge each year. They are foraged (collected) and either eaten raw or sautéed. Essentially every group of people around the world have relied, whether for sheer survival or culinary pleasure, on wild plants for food."
-Omar Tesdell
Foraging care
Always take care in foraging and harvesting wild food plants. It is best to only take part of the plant. It is also best to only forage from part of the population in any given site. This will allow the chance for individual plants and the population at large to regenerate.
Publication date | 2018 |
Usage | Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International |
Topics |
Wild Food Plants, Edible Wild Plants, Foraging, Palestine, Palestinian, Community Science, Mediterranean. |
Collection | opensource |
Language | eng,ar |
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