What It Means To Be Fairly Traded

We all know the definition of fair trade and many of our products are certified fair trade, woohoo! But what does it mean to us at Handmade Palestine when we say our crafts are fairly traded and why is it a core value we work by?

When artisans pour their hearts into their crafts, in the case of womenoften working from home, they create for you artistic expressions of Palestinian culture that are labors of love. A single craft from Handmade Palestine can take up to 12 days to form into the unique piece you see on our shop. Our prices reflect that. Handcrafted deserves fair compensation. And that is a starting point for what we mean when we say fairly traded.

Transparency and Fair Wages

Transparency is at the heart of fair trade. We ensure that artisans know exactly what they will earn for their work, and we guarantee fair wages that truly reflect the time, skill, and dedication that go into each piece. These wages are paid on time and in cash, providing artisans with the financial stability they deserve.

Good Working Conditions

Fair trade also means creating and maintaining good working conditions. For many women artisans, this means the ability to work from home, allowing them to balance their craft with other responsibilities. Whether they are working from a workshop or their own living rooms, we ensure that the environment is safe, supportive, and helpful to their creativity.

Respect and Commitment to Our Artisans

Our respect and commitment to the artisans we work with is unwavering. We build lasting relationships rooted in mutual respect, ensuring that each artisan is treated with dignity and fairness. This commitment is reflected in every aspect of our collaboration, from the design process to the final product.

Sustainable Crafting and Environmental Responsibility

Fair trade also involves a deep commitment to sustainability. We prioritize the use of sustainable materials, ensuring that our crafts have a minimal environmental impact. By choosing eco-friendly practices, we not only protect the environment but also honor the tradition of resourcefulness that is central to Palestinian craftsmanship.

Promoting Cultural Heritage

Finally, fair trade at Handmade Palestine means promoting and preserving Palestinian cultural heritage. By supporting these artisans, we help keep traditional crafts alive for future generations. Each purchase contributes not just to the livelihood of the artisan, but also to the broader mission of cultural preservation.

At Handmade Palestine, fair trade is not just a certification—it’s a core value that guides everything we do. It’s about ensuring that every artisan is treated with dignity and respect, and that their work is valued not just for its beauty, but for the culture and stories it carries. When you buy from us, you’re not just purchasing a product—you’re supporting a fairer, more just world.

International Fair Trade Summit: September 16-20 

We’re excited to participate in this year’s International Fair Trade Summit in Cape Town, South Africa, from September 17-20. 

On Monday, September 16, we’ll also be collaborating with Halaal Hub for a community talk featuring one of our artisans. If you’re attending the summit, we’d love for you to join us. We’ll share more detail about this event and ticket information soon. Additionally, we’ll be bringing a selection of our fair trade artisanal products available for purchase at the event.

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